Homeopathy in Pregnancy and Childbirth

I have successfully been using homeopathy for pregnancy, labour, delivery and breastfeeding in my practice for over 30 years.

 What a delight to have homeopathy during this special time.

I have seen homeopathy ease dark times of post partum depression where nothing else has worked. I cannot count the number of cases of severe nausea during pregnancy where mom was unwell and losing weight, on the full dose of conventional medication, which was not helping.  It was only the homeopathic remedy which gave relief in this terribly exhausting time for mom, restoring her back to balance.

Are Homeopathics safe During Pregnancy?

There is nothing that is safer than homeopathy for pregnancy, labour and delivery.  Homeopathy is safe and effective for children, babies, infants and in vet medicine. They work by gently leveraging the innate healing energy of the body gently back to balance and health.  There are no side effects and there is no danger of addiction or toxicity. Homeopathy can help.

Homeopathy before, during and after childbirth.

Many present day midwives in Canada, the US and Europe use a homeopathic kit during birthing as homeopathy can effectively be used in many situations to keep babe and mother safe and the birthing process on track. If your baby is overdue, remedies can help to induce labour.  Remedies can help with emotions of anticipation of birth.

I’m not the one usually in the birthing room, I’ll leave that up to the experts. However I can help before and after the baby is born. Homeopathics can be used to assist in healing and post partum depression. Homeopathy can help with breastfeeding issues such as mastitis, sore nipples and under supply of milk.

Homeopathy is a powerful tool to help alleviate painful and exhausting symptoms during this precious time.  Homeopathy will help you be more energetically present with your child that will be inviting into the world.

Come to the edge, he said.
They said, We are afraid.
Come to the edge, he said.
They came.
He pushed them...and they flew.
— Guillaume Apollonaire

Learn More about the Services I offer:

I am experienced at assessing which approach will help for you to recover your health. Below you can find out more about the ways in which I work.  Each person is unique and receives a treatment plan which includes any or all of the approaches depending on your needs.

What is Homeopathy

In many parts of the world, gentle medicine is prescribed before harsh pharmaceuticals or invasive surgeries, and this is the approach of the homeopath.

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Repair: What is Traditional Chinese Medicine

Not all stress is bad but chronic stress can have a long term impact on your health and well being.

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What is Awareness Integration Therapy?

Pain can result from the way you process your emotional life and how you respond with chronic muscular holding patterns.

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