Traditional medicine doesn’t work for everyone

Do any of these sound familiar to you?

  • Your family doctor keeps prescribing medication, but you aren't getting better.

  • You've seen several specialists but no one seems to understand what's causing your symptoms.

  • You're considering surgery for an ongoing health problem, but the surgeon has told you there's no guarantee it will work, and even a chance you will get worse, which worries you.

  • You’ve had a reversal in health and are looking for ways to help to rebuild and repair

  • You're tired of struggling and getting nowhere. You just want to be healthy and pain-free so you can live your life.

If so, you’re in the right place.

I know you have probably tried everything you can to help yourself…

Perhaps you have bounced around between specialists, or started to depend on medication.  Maybe you've developed coping mechanisms or simply accepted that your quality of life isn't what it used to be.

I’m here to tell you there's a path to health and vitality that doesn't revolve around pharmaceuticals, invasive surgeries or quick fix in-and-out appointments.


Welcome to a new proactive way of working with your health.

In your journey towards authenticity, together we will explore your path, removing obstructions to whole health and vitality so you can reach your highest potential.

Click below to find out more about how I can help

Find out more about Professional Homeopathy here

Find out more about Professional Homeopathy here

Find out more about Functional medicine here

Find out more about Functional medicine here

Find out more about Awareness Integration Therapy here

Find out more about Awareness Integration Therapy here

To find out more