Women’s Health

It is well known that women are the most highly represented group in healthcare.  Women seek care: Pregnancy and childbirth as well as menstrual complaints send women looking for help, care and answers.

My patients experience a paradigm shift in the way they experience their health in this integrated system. You can too. We can be so enmeshed in our North American medical system that we overlook alternative health systems that have been proven for centuries to reduce pain and improve health and quality of life.

The way I work is similar to how a medical doctor in Europe would practice, using gentle medicines first and I want to assure you that not all of my tools are gentle. I bring out the big power tools when they are needed.

Functional Medicine and Women’s Hormonal Health

Depression, anxiety, weight issues, digestive issues and hormonal issues are all effectively treated with functional medicine.  Stress from a variety of sources can break body systems, especially the hormonal system.  We can do some investigation to see what stressors are affecting you and how to begin to make repairs. 

Homeopathy and Women’s Health

Homeopathy is effective in a wide array of women’s complaints including menstrual, pregnancy and childbirth, hormonal issues, stress and anxiety, self esteem and relationship stress.  Homeopathy addresses the physical, mental and emotional all at the same time.  When combined with Functional medicine and lifestyle adjustments, homeopathy can provide solutions for women of any age.

Integrative Body Psychotherapy (IBP) and Mental Wellness

If you are suffering from stress-related illness, the discomfort of anxiety, depression, fatigue, immune problems or physical pain, IBP could be for you. Some of us have coping that we learned when we were young which puts us in uncomfortable places even when the stress is in fact very small, but feels like a perceived life or death situation. As adults, old ways of relating, family rules, limiting belief patterns that no longer serve us cause discomfort and stress. I work with my patients using Integrative Body Psychotherapy (IBP) and homeopathy to create change. Clients begin to sleep better, their adrenals begin to work better. They become less exhausted and less emotionally reactive. Relationships improve, life gets better. Clients build awareness, understanding and compassion.

Working with CEOs

I like to work with CEOs.   A CEO is someone who is in a lead position who mentors others and upon whom others lean.  A CEO can be a mom, a dad, uncle or auntie, managers, supervisors, health care professionals, school principals, teachers and anyone who other people rely and lean on.

I like to work with moms (and dads) in the context of their families.  Mom can be the centre or heart of the family, often in the place of managing big decision for the kids and family in terms of healthcare. it’s a responsibility.  You can find support and coaching here.

Come to the edge, he said.
They said, We are afraid.
Come to the edge, he said.
They came.
He pushed them...and they flew.
— Guillaume Apollonaire

Learn More about the Services I offer:

I am experienced at assessing which approach will help for you to recover your health. Below you can find out more about the ways in which I work.  Each person is unique and receives a treatment plan which includes any or all of the approaches depending on your needs.

What is Homeopathy

In many parts of the world, gentle medicine is prescribed before harsh pharmaceuticals or invasive surgeries, and this is the approach of the homeopath.

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Repair: What is Traditional Chinese medicine

Not all stress is bad but chronic stress can have a long term impact on your health and well being.

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What is Awareness Integration Therapy?

Pain can result from the way you process your emotional life and how you respond with chronic muscular holding patterns.

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