Men’s Health

It is a general known truth that the group that reaches out the most in healthcare is married women, followed by single women, followed by married men - mostly and frequently pushed by their spouses. The last group to reach out is single men.

We all need coaching and support in regards to our health. Men lead quite stressful lives.  Men deserve support and good health too!

Men tend to postpone going for treatment until they can no longer ignore the symptoms.

I’d like to warmly invite and offer men good and effective healthcare. Let me give some words of support and encouragement here for men of all ages.

Stress and Anxiety in Men

There’s no question that we live in a world more full of stress and anxiety than ever.  Relationships, work pressure, mid life crisis, addiction and depression:  support and help can be found in homeopathy and functional medicine.  Too much stress can literally break body systems.  I have successfully treated chronic conditions in the area of autoimmune and chronic inflammatory conditions as well as serious lung, heart and digestive pathology.

Homeopathy addresses the physical, mental and emotional all at the same time.  When combined with Functional medicine and lifestyle adjustments, homeopathy can provide solutions for men of any age.  

Integrative Body Psychotherapy and Mental Wellness

Some of us have coping that we learned when we were young which puts us in uncomfortable places even when the stress is in fact very small, but feels like a perceived life or death situation. As adults, old ways of relating, family rules, limiting belief patterns that no longer serve us cause discomfort and stress. I work with my patients using Integrative Body Psychotherapy (IBP) and homeopathy to create change. Clients begin to sleep better, their adrenals begin to work better. They become less exhausted and less emotionally reactive. Relationships improve, life gets better. Clients build awareness, understanding and compassion and begin to feel more comfortable in their body and in their relationships.

Sports Injuries

Homeopathy is particularly effective in the area of sports injuries, sprains, strains and fractures.  Homeopathy can shorten healing time considerably.  Homeopathy is effective for all injuries and accidents from bleeding, swelling and inflammation to concussion and the long term effects of head injury.

Homeopathy for Sexual Health

Many men suffer in silence from prostate issues, impotence or erectile dysfunction.  It is more common than you think. The Massachusetts Male Aging Study which was completed in 1994, is often cited by experts in discussions of prevalence, even though the research is older. This study found that around 52 percent of men experience some form of ED, and that total ED increases from about 5 to 15 percent between ages 40 and 70.

Homeopathy works to treat the whole person and even tho we may not be talking about these things directly, you may find that they begin to improve over time. Functional medicine can be used to treat the underlying cause, depression, anxiety, stress and relationship issues can all be addressed with homeopathy and functional medicine.


I like to work with CEOs.   A CEO is someone who is in a lead position who mentors others and upon whom others lean.  A CEO can be a mom, a dad, uncle or auntie, managers, supervisors, health care professionals, school principals, teachers and anyone who other people rely and lean on.

I like to work with dads, and moms, in the context of their families.  Dad can be the centre or heart of the family, often in the place of managing big decision for the kids and family in terms of healthcare.  You can find support and coaching here.

When to visit a Homeopath

Don’t let early or minor signs linger too long. Minor symptoms can be an early warning sign. Reach out if something has gone on longer than you are comfortable with.  Know you are not alone in your need for care. Keeping your health is the most valuable resource you have.


Learn More about the Services I offer:

I am experienced at assessing which approach will help for you to recover your health. Below you can find out more about the ways in which I work.  Each person is unique and receives a treatment plan which includes any or all of the approaches depending on your needs.

What is Homeopathy

In many parts of the world, gentle medicine is prescribed before harsh pharmaceuticals or invasive surgeries, and this is the approach of the homeopath.

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Repair: What is Traditional Chinese Medicine

Not all stress is bad but chronic stress can have a long term impact on your health and well being.

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What is Awareness Integration Therapy?

Pain can result from the way you process your emotional life and how you respond with chronic muscular holding patterns.

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