Homeopathy for First Aid and Travel

Ah the joys of travel! Except of course when something unexpected happens, (and doesn’t it always?) and you are caught unawares in a foreign country. Having a small homeopathic kit nearby with you can save headaches and pain. Homeopathic travel kits are available for purchace, however I like to take with me remedies which can be disposed of. Several times I have had security take a remedy from me and if you are travelling with your expensive beautiful new kit, you don’t want to lose it. Also keep in mind, that the country you are travelling in, especially in Europe, may be homeopathy friendly so remedies could be purchased at your local pharmacy. I find travelling in France, that any local pharmacy is well stocked with remedies if you give them a day’s notice.

Here are some tips as to how to create your own custom kit and what to include in it.

Choose a sturdy pouch

Choose a sturdy portable container which closes with no off gassing of plastics or other odours. If there is a plastic smell or even a chance of it, don’t use it. Make your kit small, readily portable and easy to find in your pack.  My kit currently consists of two 4” sturdy pouches I obtained from flying Emirates airlines which I think contained things like eye covers etc.  

Choose your remedies

When setting up your first aid kit, be familiar with the remedies you choose. There are alot of remedies to choose from; include only what you think you will need and can use confidently.  It is my experience that it’s a good idea to include emergency remedies which you might not think you’ll use, because in my experience, inevitably something happens when I’m gone which is a surprise.  Particularly don’t forget arnica, aconite and arsenicum.

Below are some remedy suggestions. Choose what you think is appropriate to the region and style you are travelling. Print this out and keep it onhand, or write a summary in your own words.

Aconitum Napellus

Aconite is especially useful for two things: Beginnings of cold or flu, and shock.

Aconite for influenza, colds or high fever brought on by exposure to the wind/elements. it is only useful for the initial stages, if illness has set in, move on to another remedy. In TCM, this would be called a ‘wind cold’ invasion, those days when it is cold and windy outside and you come in to a warm room and next thing your throat is sore or your ear hurts and you think oh no! I’m going to get sick. This is also the situation in the summertime of being under/in an airconditioned room and going out into a warm day and feeling unwell. Aconite is regularly prescribed by me for airplane travel, to prevent sickness coming off and going on the flight. 

Aconite is for shock: Complaints after a fright or sudden, shocking events, such as a car accident or earthquake. This medicine is used for animals who are affected by loud noises and fireworks. It is for shock and fear after injury, exposure or accidents. 

Apis Melliifica

Apis is a first choice remedy for bites and stings, and wasp and bee stings where there is swelling, redness and pain.  The affected area will feel hot and sensitive to touch. Apis can also be used for hive reactions and severe allergic reaction, where there is swelling of the face, lips, tongue and throat (NB hives can be lifethreatening  and an epipen and hospital visit may be needed). Apis can be used for cystitis, where there is burning and stinging pain on passing urine. Remember red, swollen hot and the pain is described as stinging or burning. Apis types can appear busy, vital, fussy, irritable.  Use a 30c potency every few hours until pain subsides.

Arnica montana 

Arnica is the first choice remedy in any emergency, accident or first aid situation. Arnica is used for bruising, strain, sprain, twists, broken bones, and bleeding caused by injury. Arnica is also effective to calm the shock of an accident. Arnica can cut the time it takes to heal an injury in half. Arnica can be given before surgery, dental treatment or childbirth. Think of arnica when the person says he is fine (which is very unlikely)  and won’t let you near the injured area. Many surgeons now prescribe arnica before and after surgery to speed healing time. 

Arsenicum album

Arsenicum is a first choice remedy for food poisoning, with simultaneous diahorrea and vomiting.  Some of the features of this medicine: the patient is often anxious and restless, the pains are burning, it can be used for gastritis with vomiting and diahorrea, or diahorrea alone. I have saved many pet owners a trip to the vet by suggesting arsenicum for their vomiting pet who has eaten something unknown. Give 30c every few hours.


Hahnemann proved this remedy in 1799, and used it to successfully treat scarlet fever. Belladonna is a first choice medicine for fever. It is most often used for children in fever and teething complaints. Belladonna can also be effective for pounding or migraine headaches where there is heat and throbbing pain and a red, hot face.

I use it more for children than in adults:  It can be used for earache and teething pain in children, as well as high fevers and teething complaints. 

The key features of belladonna are: heat, redness, sudden onset, throbbing pains/conditions, redness, heat, delirium: dilated pupils, shining/glaring eyes.   

Most sunstroke responds well to Belladonna.  Give 30c potency every few hours with hydration.

Bryonia alba

Bryonia is used primarily for slow starting ailments with pain on slightest movement. Bryonia can be used as a first aid remedy in colds and flu. This is an effective remedy for very dry sore throats. In sickness, the patient is irritable like a bear, wants to be left alone. The slightest movement aggravates the condition. Everything is dry, dry throat, dry eyes, mouth, lips are dry. The patient gulps cold water. The flu progresses slowly with aching. Bryonia can be used for headaches, which are worse for jarring. I have used it effectively where people the jarring from a sneeze and or cough from a cold causes a headache. 


Cantharis is a first choice medicine for painful burns and scalds in the home.  It takes away the pain, and if it is a major burn a medical attention must be sought. Cantharis can also be used to treat sunburn along with belladonna for sunstroke. It can be used for the pain of burning and scalding pain of urinary tract infections in women but other remedies can be more effective and remember that cystitis must be treated by your ND or MD.


The use of chamomile in medicine is ancient, going back to the time of Hippocrates. Chamomilla is most useful homeopathically for children’s teething complaints that are accompanied by fever, and where children insist on being carried. This is useful for pain and an angry, accusatory reaction to that pain. Chamomilla useful for earache where there is a blocked feeling, and colic and sleeplessness in inconsolable children. Give 30c potency given hourly.


Gelsemium is the first choice remedy for influenza. The patient is completely exhausted/ paralyzed and mentally alert. Especially with shivering up and down the spine. Also it is a fever remedy, for symptoms such as sweaty, flushed face, and unpleasant taste in the mouth, furred, trembling tongue, cold chills and a lack of thirst. Gelsemium is also an excellent remedy for stage fright. The patient has a general situation of weakness and inability which paralyzes him when he must confront any challenge. I prescribe it often for the severe anxiety of tests, interviews and performances.  Use a 30c potency several times before the event as soon as the anxiety begins.

Hepar Sulphuricum

In the 18th century, Hahnemann used the homeopathic remedy as an antidote for the side effects of mercury which was used extensively in the treatment of many illnesses. Hepar sulph is mostly used in very sore throats where the sensation is like glass or splinter like pains. Hepar sulph can be used when there is an infection, for example, tonsillitis and earache. This remedy helps expel pus such as in infected pimples in acne, or boils that are sensitive to touch and ready to burst (where a doctor must be seen).  Use a 30c potency every 30 min for sore throats.


The 16th century herbalist John Gerard described this brightly flowering herb as ‘a most precious remedy for deep wounds’. Because the juice from the crushed flowers is blood red, it was thought to be a good wound herb. Today it is used in herbalism to treat depression, nerve pain, and fevers.

In homeopathy Hypericum is an injury remedy, especially painful injuries where nerves are damaged. Think of crush injuries to fingers and stubbed toes.  The quality of hypericum is the sharp, shooting quality of the pains. 

Effective for: contusions, lacerations, punctures to parts rich in nerves such as tips of fingers, tongue, teeth, eyes, genitalia. Pain after dental procedures. Injury to larger nerves: laceration. Injuries of the spine such as fractures or sprains, with sharp shooting pains. It is effective for concussion with sensations in the head such as an ice-cold feeling, and eye injuries. It is an excellent first aid remedy for puncture wounds, from nails, splinters, bites and crushed fingers or toes. 

Nux vomica 

Nux vomica is for stomach pains, headaches and hangover caused by overindulgence. Nux-vomica enjoys rich food and high living and is the classic type ‘A’ personality. High strung and energetic, competitive achievers, they work and play hard. Because they are type A personalities, the typical nux vomica patient will crave coffee, alcohol and stimulants such as spicy foods. They are angry and impatient people, intolerant of criticism toward themselves, they are highly critical of others. Nux vomica is a great hangover remedy!  Nux vomica and arsenicum are both remedies used for digestive disturbances. Nux vomica gets stomach pains, cramping or sharp pains in the abdomen, worse from anger, worse from tight clothes, and remember they like to eat spicy, hot foods. 


Pulsatilla is mostly a children’s remedy, The typical pulsatilla child is shy and clings to the mother. She makes good contact with the doctor from the safety of the mothers lap, and she is vulnerable to other children, easily bullied. It is an excellent childrens remedy for ear pain, acute and chronic otitis media. It can be a good cold remedy with lots of mucous, with either a runny or blocked nose, sinus congestion and a loose cough with greenish yellow phlegm. 

Rhus Toxicodendron 

If touched, poison ivy causes a violent skin eruption, often with fever, loss of appetite, a headache and swollen glands. Poison ivy was first used medicinally in the 18th century when a doctor observed that a patient was cured of herpes of the wrist after being touched by it. The plant has been used in orthodox medicine for rheumatism. The Rhus tox patient is restless, and this remedy can be used for skin complaints which are burning, itchy, red, and swollen. It can be used for poison oak and poison ivy, shingles and herpes eruptions and diaper rash. The eczema of rhus tox has small vesicles which are intensely itchy. Rhus tox can be used for arthritis pains, chronic or acute rheumatism which is worse in the night in bed, worse in the morning on waking, worse in damp and cold weather or before storms, worse for exertion. It can also be used for bursitis, tendonitis and sprains if the symptoms fit. 


Most first aid kits will be found in a 30c or 200c potency.  Basically, give what you’ve got. The most important factor is selection of remedy. 

I highly recommend keeping a First Aid kit in your home. First Aid kits can be purchased at the clinic. We carry Helios First Aid kits which come with a sturdy carry box and an informative leaflet which describes each remedy in detail and each complaint where a remedy would be useful.